Legal notice

Please read this legal notice carefully before consulting this website. By accessing this website and using its content, you acknowledge and agree that you have read and understood the following terms of use which Allianz Travel reserves the right to modify or update at any time and agree to be bound by them. Do not use the website if you do not agree with these terms of use.
We cannot guarantee the up-to-dateness, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided. We cannot accept responsibility for any material or non-material damage caused through the use or non-use of the information provided, or through the use of erroneous and incomplete information, provided that no intentional or grossly negligent culpability can be demonstrated to exist on our part. All offers are subject to confirmation and are non-binding. We expressly reserve the right to modify, add to or delete some or all of the offer without prior warning, or to temporarily or permanently discontinue the validity of the offer. The simple viewing and reading of the Allianz Travel does not commit Allianz Travel and the site visitor to a contract for a service or offer. All information in the Allianz Travel website is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute a service. Allianz Travel does everything in its power to ensure that the website can be used in complete security. However, functional deficiencies such as data loss or corruption, virus attacks, interruption of operation, etc. cannot be excluded. Allianz Travel cannot be held liable for loss of profit, data loss or other direct or indirect damage that may arise out of any such deficiencies.
Liability for direct or indirect referrals to other Internet sites (Links) which lay beyond the scope or responsibility of our website may only be invoked in so far as we are aware of the content, and where it is technically possible and reasonable for us to block any illegal content. We therefore expressly declare that at the time of establishing the link, the relevant linked web pages were free of illegal content. We have no influence whatsoever on the current or future configuration or content of linked web pages. We therefore hereby expressly distance ourselves from the contents of any linked web pages that are changed after the link is established. This statement applies to all links and referrals established within our own Internet offer. The site provider shall be solely liable for any illegal, erroneous or incomplete content, and especially any damage caused by the use or non-use of such displayed information, and not the party which simply made the referral to the publication in question through site links.
We make every effort to comply with copyright law that applies to the graphics, audio documents, video sequences and text used in our publications, and to only use licence-free graphics, audio documents, video sequences and text. All third party-protected trademarks and trade names quoted in the publication are unreservedly subject to the provisions of the applicable copyright law and the rights of ownership of the registered owner. It should not be concluded that through the mere fact of naming a trademark it does not have third-party protection! Copyright for published items created by ourselves lies exclusively with us. The reproduction or use of such graphics, audio documents, video sequences and text in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the express approval of the author.
To the extent that the possibility of entering personal or professional data (e-mail addresses, names, addresses) within the context of the Internet offer exists, then such data is disclosed by the user on an expressly voluntary basis. Provided it is technically possible and reasonable, services may be used and paid for without submitting such data, via the use of anonymous data or a pseudonym. It is brought to your attention that transferring data over the Internet (e.g. when communicating by e-mail) can lead to gaps in security. It is not possible to achieve complete data security against third-party access.
Allianz Partners has a zero tolerance principle on fraud and corruption. We comply fully with local and international anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws, and maintain effective and robust anti-corruption systems, procedures and controls. The Allianz Anti-Corruption Program has been running since 2009 and sets out the Allianz Group’s minimum anti-corruption and anti-bribery standards. The program prohibits the offer, acceptance, payment or authorization of any bribes and any other form of corruption, whether in the private sector or given to a local or foreign government official. Allianz Partners demands transparency and integrity in all business dealings on all levels, to avoid any improper advantage or the appearance of questionable conduct by employees or third parties with whom we do business. All Allianz employees undergo regular compliance training, which offers practical guidance for making decisions and avoiding potential conflicts of interest such as the acceptance of gifts and invitations from business partners.

Should parts of the individual wording of this text not, or no longer, or incompletely, comply with current law, then the remaining parts of the document shall not be affected in terms of their content or validity.


AWP P&C S.A., Saint-Ouen (Paris)
Wallisellen branch (Schweiz)
Richtiplatz 1
8304 Wallisellen

Number of the commercial register: CH-
Unternehmens-Identifikationsnummer: CHE-116.295.497 MWST

Service Centre: from Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm

+41 44 283 32 22

[email protected]